All the disinformation and propaganda that was by now being poured across the West like a great toxic oil slick had a point. The West was still seduced by how the Trojan horse glittered and shone - even as the soldiers poured out. Instead of worrying about these obvious links, the West still revelled in the easy money oligarchs gave it, as they bought up entire districts like Mayfair and Chelsea, and straddled Cannes and Nice in their superyachts. That the first stages of World War III were beginning. As we know now, all this was funded, financed, organized, and coordinated by Russia.īut back then? The West was still innocent. That it used tactics from a literal Kremlin propaganda manual. That hate had begun to proliferate like a pandemic, and a kind of bilious populist rage was shaking the foundations of the Western world. That the far right had suddenly emerged in the West all at once, in unison, like a choir of idiocy.
Carpet-bomb them with the inversion of reality - War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength - until their weary minds, baffled, finally gave out…and gave in. An even bigger coincidence that it deployed the Kremlin’s Orwellian “ firehose” model of propaganda: gaslight reality, turn it inside out, call the peaceful people the Nazis and fascists, call freedom the enemy of peace, bombard innocent people with those messages a million times a day on Facebook and Twitter. Mighty coincidence, no? An even bigger coincidence that it spoke the literal language of Putinism. From America to Britain to France and beyond. This new far right movement had seemingly emerged from nowhere all across the West. And yet it spoke literally the language of Putin’s philosophers - figures like Dugin and Ilyin, who called for a “planetary confrontation” against “globalists” and spoke of the soil belonging to the pure of blood and true of faith. Where had it come from? Nobody could quite say. It gained power and ascended in influence. A new far right movement began to emerge. What happened next? Our societies in the West began to destabilize, badly. That was just after the fall of the USSR, as Putin came to power, in the late 2000s or so. And we accepted it, without a second thought. It was made of Russian money, Russian oil, resources, finances. A Trojan horse was delivered to our societies in the West - one that glittered, too.
Let’s take each of these phases one by one, so you really understand what is playing out on the geopolitical stage today - and what comes next.ĭo you remember the story of the Trojan Horse? Troy accepted it as a gift, knowing full it shouldn’t have - because it was a gift to their gods, fine and beautiful. And the idea it doesn’t already involve us is fiction, a lie.” The invasion of Ukraine is the latest front. The first Great Information War began in 2014. This is the point that journalist Carol Cadwalladr recently made on Twitter: “I think we may look back on this as the first Great Information War. That is why I say we’re about a third of the way into World War III. And we’re at the end of stage one, at the beginning of stage two. The three stages of this World War go like this. Not even just cyberwar, but propaganda, disinformation, misinformation, about taking societies apart while they’re not even aware of it. If we think about war in modern terms, World War III is what’s called a “hybrid war.” That means it’s not just about guns, but about information. World War III began quite a while ago, and not nearly enough attention was paid, because part of the point was subterfuge, to unravel our societies in a hidden, covert manner. Maybe about a third of the way through, to be accurate. Korea, Oceania, etc.Is this the beginning of World War III? The answer to that question goes like this: no, it’s closer to the middle. Possible VP could be (among many others) to destroy (or protect) oil fields in middle east, controlling natural resources in Africa, bombing Tokyo, etc.īombing (or protect) Israel for axis (for Nato), Guerrilla and "mujahideens" troops in Afghanistan, Africa, south america, etc. Global conflict with nuclear and other non conventional weapons (bacterias, weather, haarp, etc,).
War could spread to Africa with African states divided between Nato and "Axis of Evil". Possible entry of Venezuela and North Korea into the Axis "of evil" tpo bring war in south/central america and Asia. Possibility for Russia and/or China to join "axis of evil". Coalition forms with Syria, Pakistan (etc.) against Nato. The ww3 scenario would be like this: Nato + Israel to declare war to Iran. "secret" groups like bilderberg, trilateral, etc. media), secret ops (CIA, NSA, MI5, etc.), and of course military, including non conventional warfare like bacteria, uranium, weather weapons etc. game would cover politics, diplomacy, economics, geo-politics, propaganda (e.g.